And Destiny Gets Nervous And...

I got out of classes all day today. Sfan, Chelle, Oak, Ginny and me went to College Misercordia with the Keenster. Had some good times. And got icecream for lunch! :) mmm, I love mint chocolate chip! Then when we got back to the school we all had practice for the NHS induction which is TONIGHT. So we all got out of the rest of the day of classes. Yay! Michelle, Amanda, and I hung out in mom's a little bit at the end of the day, then I went to Del's and saw pictures of his BABY!!! Aww :) So I came home and wrote my supplemental novel paper. Its kind of pathetic how I can successfully bullshit my way through a two page paper now and still get a 20/20. Then I did some world cultures, I still have so much I have to do for when I'm gonna be gone, but I think I'm just going to copy Michelle's notes when I get back. It'll be the easist way to do things. I cannot believe that I leave in THREE DAYS! Michelle's mad 'cause I'm not skiing tomorrow. I don't have the energy. And I have not packed one single thing. Which is terrible considering the fact that we leave sometime Sunday afternoon and I'm probably going to spend the weekend doing homework. I'm gonna go watch tv or something for like an hour until I have to start getting ready for the NHS thinger tonight... I'm fairly glad that I'm not going to have to sit at home and think tonight... because Michelle's been getting in trouble for our hour ++++ long phone conversations :p [Edit: Just got back from the induction ceramony. Highlights include Amanda and Michelle complaining about their bras falling down, me almost falling over taking off my shoes and then having to run down the hall to catch up with them, Michelle making me trip and almost fall into some guy's lap at the buffet thinger afterwards, and so much more]
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