'58 Chevy

Well, I didn't get to write in here last night like I planned. I stayed at Grandma's and ended up talking to her for most of the night about all the family stuff that is going on. I got there and Uncle Albie was there. I got to hear how my aunt should take the asshole back. Grandma told him where to go :p Then we had tacos for dinner. They were SO good. Then my cousin Tom came. After Tom and Albie left I fixed grandma's computer and Robbie and Summer came. Then I just kind of sat and talked to Grandma and we watched TV. This morning I had to get up early. I took a shower and then we went to pick up Robbie. Stood around and talked to Summer for a while and then left with my grandparents and Robbie for Tunkhannock. Grandma and I went to wal*mart while Robbie and Grandpa picked up some steel from one of Good's apartments. Then we sat around for an hour waiting for this guy to come with Grandma's new '58 Chevy. So he finally comes, almost two hours late. Him and my grandparents decided to go over to Northeast Title and Tag and get all that done. Well, Robbie and I decided that, what the hell, we'll get the car off the trailer. We almost made a huge disaster. So the guy from the beer distributors had to finsih getting the car off with a fork lift. We're getting ready to leave and robbie's fooling around with the front seat of the car. He like moves it forwards and stuff and can't get it to latch. I was laughing and I go We'll be going down the road and I'll fly forward, and I scooched up on the seat and it flung forward. robbie was laughing so hard. Then the guy that Grandma bought the car off from gave robbie this little religious pamphlet. I was reading it to him, it was like "God loves you! Even though you have SINNED!" Robbie goes BASTARD, WHY THE HELL'D HE GIVE THAT TO ME? I was dying. Grandma and Grandpa drove the truck home, and I rode home in the '58 with Robbie. That was a great time. He told me all these funny stories and crap. Then we started swapping Mrs. Farr stories, that was so hilarious. I told him about the "THEN YOU WILL DIE!!!!" thing and he was laughing so hard I thought he was gonna wreck the car :p I thought he was gonna kill us but we made it. Then I went back to grandma's had lunch, and helped my cousin Mikey with his geography project. I hope I did it right.... Anyways, now I'm back home, bored, knowing that I have to build my model of Stonehenge, and totally avoiding that.... It was a pretty good Saturday, I actually smiled. There was one part that I had a heart attack, but we'll skip over that.
Read 8 comments
meh, there are some chicks who skate, but they're bitches, and they're on this other skate team, so i don't hang out with them.
hey..thanks for the commentx33
i hate skate teams. their name is Suicide Skate Team, and they suck balls. i'd only join a team if they gave me free shit, or if they were pro (which is doubtful, i probably wont get that far) later.
Ahh, yeah. Hopefully i can get a ride to it, eek.
Mmmm :]
you should be
i wish something exciting like that would happen to me:D so lucky Kristin:D i want a fun day=P
Hey so Kat says you play tennis? That's awesome i do too. Cool sD by the way!

you know it's awesome!!:P caved in roof and all! Hey look, you just got on AIM. Lol. Ta ta "krissy"!! mwahahahahahha!