The Radio Leaves me Searching for your Star

Feeling: exhausted
Don't forget... I'll hold your head Watch the Night Sky fading RED Hmm... Today I woke up and got in the shower and stuff. Then I ate lunch. Shipped my little sister out the door. Called my mom and got really mad that she wasn't picking up her cell phone. Decided that I'd go to the boys game. Called Stefania. Fell asleep on the couch. Woke up with enough time to change my pants and leave for the game. I felt bad at the game, I was so tired that I wasn't really talking. I think I kinda made Michelle and Stefania feel weird, because they were both really wired, especially Sfan. I did feel bad, because I wanted to be able to be at least awake too. Then I came home, and I'm talking to Kat now. I think I have to go to some dumb Christmas thing at church tomorrow. Its not that I'm an athiest or anything, its just that I dont like our church. Oh well.
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lajldjflajdslkf! EVIL HOMECOMING!!! more like evil boy...but anyways. yes...i'm sorry you might have had to go to church because i know how it goes not liking your church.(i love my church in utah..) but yeah...haha! losing the game by 20 points. poor children. anyways. this was a psycho comment. i have too much cold medicine in me. *sigh* talk to you later. <3 Kat
its alright that u were tired what can u do....sleep more :P jk

tioga's awesome when it has moguls!:D