Try and look into my eyes...

Feeling: vibrant
Haha, I just kind of picked a mood. I just got off the phone with Michelle. We were on for like an hour, but her phone died, just like it always does. She needs a new one, badly. It was one of the funniest phone conversations I've ever had. Michelle got her mom this stuffed moose for christmas. (Don't ask its Donna :p) And her mom wanted her to give it to her today, but Michelle is making her wait until Christmas. It was quite an amusing story. At one point Michelle told Donna she lost it and Donna had a heart attack :D then Michelle was wrapping my christmas present and Donna set off this stuffed baby bird thinger and it scared the crap out of me. All I could hear were these little chirps, Michelle was laughing so hard, and I just kept saying "WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!" And Donna was in the background saying "ITS A BABY BIRDY!!" ahh great times Then they were fighting about what wrapping paper Michelle was using. Michelle was screaming "WHY DO I ALWAYS GET STUCK WITH THE UGLY ONES?!?!?!" It was great. I haven't laughed so hard in ages. Then Donna was trying to make Michelle get off the phone and Michelle was like "I love you, and so does Kristin." So donna goes "yeah I'm sure she said that" michelle's response was "YEAH LISTEN" so she gave the phone to donna and I was like "I LOVE YOU!!!!!" And she started laughing and through it she's like "AWWW, I LOVE YOU!" and michelle asked her if I could go live with them :P and her mom said maybe, haha. Then she really did have to go because her phone was dying, really really bad. anyways, I saved like eighty million icons today, because I got really bored and had nothing better to do :)
Read 5 comments
it was a moose w/ a squeaker not a bird:P
i kno i just left u a comment but this is a different subject so deal w/ it:P ever since i got to talk to u i feel so much better like last night i was so sad and depressed then today i talk to u and im all happy again:D u always bring out my best side:D love ya
i dont care i was just bugging u :P u kno i DO ride the same ski busses as u do;)
nightmares that the squeaking moose will come after u and dye ur hair red???:P

no idea where that came from relly out of it:P see sfan's info for the word

~ur sister
my chemical romance rocks! i love ur top left pic. its so cool. mind if i add u to my friends list?