Well its Love, Make it Hurt

Yesterday was the last day of school for the year. I am officially a junior. Weird. Anyways after school I went to Jake's. We just kind of hung around for a while and talked to the million people that stopped. Then Sara Davis and her boyfriend stopped 'cuase Sara didn't know where Purdy's was. SOOOO Jake and I went with them to Purdy's. He took us to this waterfall place and we watched him and Danielle swim :p Then we went back to Jake's house and sat around for a while and started watching a mooovie. Then I had to go home :( But it was like 8 o'clock and I'd been there since 11 that morning :p So I came home and did nothing... I didn't get up until like 11 this morning. And now I have to eat lunch and get ready for work. After work I think I have to go to Courtney's party, 'cause she's back from Iraq. And tomorrow... I get to do NOTHING! And Monday I get to do nothing and then go to Julie's party! :D Summer is going to be soo much fun this year.. I can tell already :D
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Hey schools out for ya! Summer is gonna rock! Anyways hows the weather over there??? :P
wow all my friends have like the same names as urs..pretty cool..
Watching boys swim.