~338~ Broken back to the ceiling, broken nose to the floor

Listening to: Silver & Gold - U2
Feeling: agitated
-_- Don't you just love stupid arguements? And the stupid comments that can get taken totally out of proportion. God. I totally didn't mean it in a mean way. I was just repeating what I had been told. Cause from what I've gathered from my mom/my cousin/my friends. They're the same thing. -_- I tend to take people on their word on stuff like that. Sorry. I'm wrong. And I also love the stupid ways I manage to alienate people. What is wrong with me? EDIT- So I deleted that comment Kayla. Cause I feel it was uncalled for in this situation. I'm not trying to start anything. But this is how it goes. I don't think I did anything worthy of a "Fuck you and go to hell" Over Disneyland vs Disneyworld? Um. Yeah not happening I mean like...I don't get it. What did I do? I was kidding. And I was wrong. Whatever. I don't care. I didn't actually think we were arguing. But whatever You wanna be mad. You go ahead and be mad and hate me for being myself. Stupid. Stubborn and selfish. Welcome to the real me. ~Katie Er Orðinn Ryðguð Sál Rafmagnið Búið Mig Langar Að Skera Og Rista Sjálfan Mig Á Hol En Þori Það Ekki Frekar Slekk Ég Á Mér Aleinn Á Ný
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