[694] I feel like a monster

Listening to: Disturbia - Rihanna
Feeling: ambitious
List of stuff: -Paris. Look into it. Goddamnit, 2 months living in Paris could quite possibly be the best thing to ever happen to me, do not let this slip through your fingers because you don't have the goddamned initiative to do anything about it. -Montreal. Book tickets, right now. -London. Is tomorrow. Shop. Lots of shopping. -FINISH COURSE WORK. Seriously. It's late again. Do it. Book your exam too, while you're at it. -TYPE UP THAT RESUME. It's not fair to leave other people hanging, so, you know, fix that. kthnx. WORK. END ALREADY. I want to go home and have ice cream. Seriously, this sucks. Bah. Another half hour. Fine. whatever. ~Katie
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