[448] Nothing hurts, and nothing bleeds

Feeling: damned
It's back again. Fuck everything. Fuck her, fuck me, fuck the world, I want out. Barbwire Stapled In My Bleeding Mouth Locked In A Cage Naked Animals Beat Me A Liberator Knocks An Untamed Inserts New Batteries And Charges Once Again (X4) We Set Off Into The Unknown Until We Destroy Everything And Are Dominant Once Again (X3) Once Again In The Back Where We Ride The Barbwire Returns In My Mouth, Ripping Up An Old Healed Wound My Soul Has Grown Rusty The Electricity Is Gone I want to cut And slice myself to death, But daren't risk it. Instead I turn myself off, Alone again. It's all coming back again, and I can't do it anymore. I don't want to do it anymore. I will not put myself through this shit again, and I just need out. How does she do this? One stupid remark, and she's destroyed my self esteem, into tiny little pieces, and I hate myself. I Hate Myself ~Katie
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