[848] won't you make me stay?

Feeling: drained


Paris, Paris, Paris, Paris.

I am going to Paris. And it's too early to get excited about it, but I am going and it feels like I'm going home.

I just have to decide where else to go while we're there. London would be nice, but it's so expensive to get there and back. But come on, it's London.

And Berlin. I'm excited for Berlin.

Now...Vienna or Amsterdam?

At the same time, I'm afraid we won't have enough money. Or that Kimberly won't, rather, because it's kind of expensive. I guess I never really thought about how long sixteen days was. It's pretty long.

I've got four months to save up though, and I'm really going to save. I'm almost motivated to get into shape. I really should, because that's a lot of walking I'm going to have to do, and I'm not going to do it with blisters on my feet again.

So...Vienna or Amsterdam?

That is the question.


(Maybe Antwerp or Rome...Oh god)

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