An E-mail and A Little Scotch Tape

Pull at my heart strings For nearly 3 months Forced guilt trips on myself Thinking you hated me I cried for you I cried for me I cried for everything about you I cried because I thought you hated me Thoughts about you 24/7 I remembered the little things The things that meant the most Sarcasm. Honesty. Humor. Flirting. Of course you were the counselor And I was the camper Nothing could ever happen between us But I still loved you as a friend Did you like me as a friend too? I think you did Why would write this little e-mail 3 months later? Because of fear about your job? Possibly, but I also think there was a slight intrest in how I was. With your little e-mail You mended my broken heart Elmer's glue filled the cracks Scotch tape held together the rips I can't have you I know I can't But I can pretend I can. Shut up Jim. It wouldn't be robbing the cradle. It's only 4 there! Trust me...robbing the cradle...I've never heard of a 4 year old little boy stealing a baby have you?! Anyways. HAHA. I'm so dumb. How the heck did you get this journal anyways Jim?! I don't understand you! I love you Aims. Hey random people! Make a comment on my crappy poetry!
Read 3 comments
ha ha...its not crappy is so much better than anything i could ever do...i love your la la....yeah...i love you so much to kat...bye
haha. i know all. yeah whatever. forget you. i forgot what i was gonna say anyway. -jim
well duh he cares how your doing. they emailed me. you think theyre gonna email me and ask me how im doing and not care about how your doing. haha. but it would be robbing the cradle. yeah leave it as loving him as a friend.