Everything is Funny at 3:30 AM

So yesterday was awesome. It completely OWNED. Allie's mom picked me up around 12 and we drove over to the Tam-o-Shanter. We got skates and Katie was there and I was happy. I missed seeing her for the past couple of days. We skated for a while and Courtney showed up and skated and talked and I wanted to go to the park across the street. Because I'm like that. And I really didn't want to go home. So Allie's mom bought us 3 pizzas and we sat in the lobby area of the rink and ate those. Mmm...drank pop. Yay for Lent being over! Then we decided we WOULD go to the park. We ran around and chased the ducks and were very distressed when we discovered the lack of 'big kid' swings. What kind of park is that!? So then we went and took lots of pictures of us, because we're like that, and hellooo I'm leaving in what, 5 months?? Then we told Allie's mom we wanted to go to Katie's, so her mom left and we called Katie's mom, who was cool with it all. So we walked around the entire lake at the park. It was big. Okay...we walked around half of it, and then turned around. It's the same thing right?? More chasing of ducks...more pictures. We decided Adams should definitely take us to the park for a Bio lesson, because there is no way in the world he can have that much more to cram into our little honors class brains. Then Katie's mom called, so we ran back to the entrance. We also checked the price of renting a boat for this summer. It's only *drum roll* 6 dollars for the whole day! We're so uberly excited. So then we went to Katie's. We ran around in her backyard a lot because it was 75 degrees or something like that. So nice. We decided it would be cool if we rolled up our jeans and got on her raft in her pond and floated around. Ha. Courtney and I got soaked in the first 10 minutes trying to push off. So then we decided that it would just be cool to go put on shorts and stuff and jump in and swim. So we decided to do that. Wow. Swimming. In March. Outdoors. It was freezing. I was the first to get pushed off...actually the only one to get pushed off. And I was the one to swim the length of the pond and find out how deep everything was. It was really cold. It felt really good to swim though. Mmm*love* So then we pushed the raft around to where we wanted to be and stuff like that. I have a HUGE bruise on my hip. I have them all over, but it's bright purple and it hurts really badly. So then we called our parents because we decided we wanted to stay over beccause yeah. Convinced our parents to bring us clean clothing and stuff like that and they said okay. I was so happy. So then we dried off and sat on her swimming pool's deck and talked while Courtney showered and stuff. Once mine and Allie's moms came, we both took showers, as did Katie. Laid around in her room and talked and listened to music and Katie read us poems and short stories and stuff. She's such a good writer. So then Eric(Katie's boyfriend) came home. Yeah...he lives at her house. We ordered pizza and ate that and sat aroudn and talked and watched a little bit of Halo. I really dislike first person shooters. It just doesn't interest me. So we listened to Katie talk to Eric, her dad, and Josh(the other guy who lives there) about it. I guess they were playing with a bunch of guys from their church who were having a party. We decided to go play night games or something like that and me and Allie and Court hid on the cabin roof for a while. Then we convinced Kelsey to play us in soccer, so we played that for a while. Me and Allie got totally owned, because Allie was afraid she would choke on her cough drop. 2-on-1 is sucky. Definitely. We went inside and set up Dance Dance Revolution and played till 1 or 2. I can't remember which. Then we sat in Katie's room and talked some more and I said it would be cool to make cookie dough and everyone agreed, so we got a recipe offline and made some. We were still hungry. I wanted tacos and everyone sort of agreed, but we didn't want to get in trouble. Instead we made ranch dip and ate carrots and celery and chips. Mmm... So now it's like 3:30 AM and I'm trying to say something about eating and my thoughts are totally messed up and I don't understand much of anything. I tried to use some saying but it came out as "Our eyes are as big as our stomachs" So then me and Courtney started measuring how big our eyes would be if they were as big as our stomachs. Something like that. We finally went to bed. We talked till maybe 5 and FINALLY fell asleep, then woke up at 8:30 this morning when Courtney had to leave and went back to sleep till 11. Called Allie's mom who came and got us, etc. I came home and slept for about 3 hours and now I'm just kind of sitting here. I want to go back to sleep, but I don't think that's about to happen. Wow...this is a really long entry. My body hurts so bad. I have like 20 bruises and a bunch of scratches from climbing on/off the roof and from jumping onto the raft. Oh well...it was so incredibly fun. I wish it were summer. So bad.
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how much time do you spend writing in this? i doubt it's healthy. lol. i miss you tons
oops. that one was me
If i told you i didn't love you. i'd be lying