Bored Bored Bored

Feeling: bored
I've done all my work...yet again. I'm soo bored. Don't yell at me for being bored. There's nothing better to do. I'm stuck in the computer lab and I can't listen to music. No errands for me to run because yet again, we have a sub. So I'll sit here and sigh. *sigh...* Liz did the little 10 statements about people in her journal. I want to know who they are about! Oh my gosh! TELL ME THE LIZIKIGER!! TELL ME NOW!! Grr. This is so lame. Oh well. Yeah I'm gonna stop. -------------------- 9:37 AM So I'm back. There's literally nothing to do. is blocked by the computer server dealie. And all this is probably being logged by the computer. That sucks for me. Good thing I'm not typing anything important. I wish someone would get on their journal and write something for me to read. That would be super awesome. But I'm stopping again. There has to be SOMETHING for me to do. -------------------- 9:52 AM So there's is absolutely nothing for me to do at all. *boredom* I create to much drama in my life somedays. At least with some people. Liz's list is driving me crazy!! AHHHHH. So is Resa's. How lame is that. Hm...*tries to come up with random subject* First kisses are cute(yes I'm still on that.) A lot of my friends had really cute, romantic first kisses. They make me think...awww.... EVERYONE!! Tell me your first or most romantic kiss. Or both. I don't care. But I'd like to know so leave me comments. *pleades on hands and knees for comments* PLEASSSEEE. Haha. Everyone thinks that I'm chatting with my friends. As if. Not on a school computer. Richard and Ben were on yesterday during AP Art. No fair. But no one would be on right now anyways. It's 7:55 AM in Utah, 9:55 AM in Pennsylvania, and it's...3:55 AM, on Thursday, in New Zealand. Silly children not going to this school:P Yay. I only h ave 45 more minutes of this class. Then I get to go hang around in my social studies class. Oh man! Yesterday was so funny! Me and Courtney were doing nothing in Social Studies because we were all done with the stuff we could do in class. So then I started writing stuff upside down, so she could read it right side up. I wrote my name and a few other things. So she went to write Courtney and she's like "C-O-U" and then I was like "it's a T!" And she was like "no, it's a R" And then we started laughing hard because then it would have been Coutney. Pronouced "Caught-knee" So then I went to write Coutney and I wrote Coutnex. THE GENERIC BRAND OF COTTON!! Teehee:D It was great. We like "what are your clothes made out of" And we decided you would have to be really poor to have to use the generic brand of cotton. It was so funny...maybe you had to be there. But Courtney is so funny and she's so smart. She like kicks my trash in social studies. She has like a 99% or something insane like that. I have maybe a 96 or a 97%. Yay for us being smart and having A's...well...for having A's. It's an easy class. Hm...well I rambled about that for a while. I want a Jones Soda. OH! Amy doesn't hate me! She loves me*HUGE GRIN* She was just in a weird mood or something on Sunday or whatever. I've decided that she wants cherry cordials and a subway gift card for z-mas(Christmas) YAY! She told me subliminally...*shifty eyes* And I can't SPELL!! WOOHOO!! Last night I did all my homework...except my second set of essays for social studies. But I did those at the beginning of class so it's all good. I have a test next hour. I guess I could study for that. But then again, there's really no reason. Mmm...I'm so hungry. Seriously. GO! Buy me Burger King. I want 8 chicken tenders, a large fries, and a vanilla milkshake. Mwahaha. And I want it now. Someone save me. I'm going crazy. Ohhh. Now I'm craving BK. Crazy. I can like taste the fries and chicken tenders. Puuurrrr. *cheesey smile* Well I should stop because I'm sure you are bored of reading this. Have a lovely day. I'll add more later I bet so yeah. KILL THE GINGERBREAD HOUSES!!! -------------------- 4:28 PM Nevermind.
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Hey Kat! Haha it's like 7:00 AM over here and I had time before the bus came so I thought I'd leave a comment and see if you'd check it in school again. Well not like you should be on this at school but... hehe anyways I miss you have a great day!