Evident Changes

Listening to: Memory-Sugarcolt
6:04 PM In the past few months, I have put a lot of distance between me and some of my friends from Utah. Christa, Kendall, Nicole. Even Whitney. Ben, Jim, Josh, Paul. The only people who I've stayed really tight with seem to be Liz and Scott. And Teresa when I catch her. I love that girl. Today I got an e-mail from Christa. She likes AZ. She's 2nd oboe for Regional Orchestra and she had try outs for All State Band today. Good luck to her, she owns. Haha. It's weird to think how much I have changed in the past 6 months. Or maybe she's just changed. She's super boy crazy. I mean times about a million. It's actually sort of annoying. She told me about every single guy in her life I swear. I know it's cool and all to be noticed by guys, but...I dunno, it doesn't seem to cool to me. From the sound of it she's become kind of shallow, losing weight so boys like her, wearing a lot of make-up, and wearing clothes that other people tell her too. It's exactly who I never wanted to be, the person I don't think I could be if I tried. It was even obvious when I went to Logan. Whitney and all the other girls at the party...they were insanely boy crazy, drooling over poor Brady. Whitney accused me of trying to steal him. WTF?! Who does that...So much drama seems to go on in these little groups of people that I know. Whitney was envious of my flat stomach and the fact that at the time I had couple guys who liked me, or at least they supposedly did. And here...it's all about screwing people over. Breaking up with your boyfriend to date your best guy friend and cheating on him with your best friend's guy. It makes me seriously angry. It's all about saying I Love you for the sake of saying I love you. If you ask me, it's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I would rather be alone then have someone like me because I was pretty. That's just too shallow. You're lucky you can say I Love you and mean it. I don't know...LHS looks more and more appealing every day as I realize that my friends have gotten to shallow for me to stand, following the crowd. I mean sure, I could hang out with Resa, but she'll be busy with Key Club and Ballet and Caleb coming in December. I don't know... I found a picture today and it made me think of Scott. So I decided to post it...here you go... Image hosted by Photobucket.com There's a girl standing outside your house with a posterboard that reads 'I'm sorry', calling your house and telling you to look out your front window. She just wants you to know how she feels...
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whatever, we'll join key club together, and ballet will be after school probably not every day of the week!!!!!1!11!1omg!

besides, girls at LHS are just as bad as at SVHS.*pout* if you don't come to sv I'll be the only girl from youth group not going to LHS. Everyone will make fun of me . :( besides, I'll miss you and if you go to LHS we'll never be able to find time to hang out!!