Trip to the Zoo

Feeling: evil
4:02 PM Should be studying for Alg. 2 test...but I'm not. Mommy and Mark dragged me to the Zoo today. I sang in the car all the way there and made fun of my mom's driving. I'm so very mean. We got there and Mom wanted a membership so I went and looked around at some of the stuff at the entrance and fooled around with my camera. Then we went in and looked at some seals and polar bears. I was so very mean... "Hey! Look at that blood on the rocks over there!!!" The little kids by me were so horrified. Me and my mom were seriously cracking up. Then we looked at the peguins and I couldn't help wondering how long it would take security to show up if I jumped in the water and swam around. Decided against it. But hey, if I had, I bet I would have made the news. Wandered the rest of the park and saw more animals. Every single little section I would hear "It's like Simba!" or "Like the elephants on Tarzan." It made me laugh so hard. w00t for Disney movies. Somewhere Over the Rainbow was stuck in my head for some reason or another. I kept singing the random parts I knew. Like every single guy my age would check me out and I couldn't help thinking "Are there that few 15 year old girls here??" Overall it was a pretty good day. Now I need to study for Alg. 2 even though I really really want to call someone and go play outside because it's gorgeous.
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