
Feeling: happy
6:24 PM Today was good...except I woke up at 7:11 and my mom was like OMG!! GET READY! I still made it to school by like 7:20. Just because I'm smooth like that. Ha. I was just thinking...I have so many plans when I come home. 1. Make forts with Alex and get help with my pre-calc homework. 2. Big group(maybe for homecoming)going to the Nickelcade in Ogden, so I can kick butt at Area 51 and CruisinExotica. And maybe even ski-ball. YAY! 3. Cafe Ibis with Molly for coffee. 4. Halloween with Teresa--dress up as witches...make cider/root beer with dry ice in a big cauldron thing. Watch Nightmare Before Christmas. And now for the list with Liz...just because it's HUGE and needs to be all by itself. Plus she inspired this entry. 1. Walk Main and take pictures of everything. Play around in the grass at the Tabernacle. 2. Homecoming... 3. Skiing/snowboarding at Beav 4. Football games. 5. Going True Grizz and True Bobcat;) 6. Disney Movie marathon and decide which Prince Charming we like best. 7. Chick flicks with Chels, ice cream, popcorn. 8. Hang out till the sun dies away. I'm sure there's other stuff I forgot. Tell me if I did and I'll add it.
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pudding! marshmellows! ice! more movies! sheep! (no just kidding) walmart! and so on!
Eric from the Little Mermaid is the best prince charming. he did more for ariel than just kiss her to wake her up.

yay for Eric.

And girl, you're in my homecoming group! heh. you'll have to wait for prom! or something!