
10:03 PM AZ time I found the journals of a bunch of people from Logan today. It was random. They're all at band camp for SV. Poor kids. I guess this is National Band Camp week or something. Hehe... I go back to Toledo tomorrow. Katie is going with my mom to the airport. We're going to a show. I'm excited. I love the boys. I go back to Logan in 12 days. School starts sometime after that. I'm glad I'm going to LHS. I think. You make me feel so rejected... Scott and I had long conversations throughout the day when he wasn't working. It's nice to talk to him about stuff. I miss Liz. I wish she would come home. And I want her to be okay. I want her to love me and want me to go to LHS. I'm so selfish. mer...*dances* i love you hardcore. yes, you.
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tedrow or chambers?
cool background. rock on.