The Special Little Girl with the Penguin

Feeling: curious
7:25 PM SECOND SNOWDAY IN A ROW BABY!!!! Just to inform you again Today was awesome. I slept till 10:45. Only because my mom wasn't home to wake me up. She left at like 7:30 or 8. Mwahahaha. I'm such a demonic child. w00t. except w00t stands for we own the other team... I got Napoleon Dynamite and The Anatomy of the Tongue in Cheek-Relient K cd. Purrrrr. CD'S I'M GETTING IN UTAH -Ocean Avenue-Yellowcard -Two Lefts Don't Make a Right...But Three Do-Relient K -One with Something Corporate and Deathcab for Cutie(from Chelsey, go best friend thingy!) -One from Scott with who knows what -and whatever I feel like buying/stealing from Liz or anyone else Wahoo! I'm sooo excited(x10000000000000000)!!! I go home in 7 days. SEVEN. EFFING. DAYS. YAY!!! AHHH! Wow I'm psycho hyper. Where did you go? You logged offline while I was in the middle of talking to you, right after Lizikiger left. Dork! :P Mmmm. I'm so tired. But then not. AHH. I dunno. I want cookies. Best Friend-We've been through so much together since fourth grade. Through stupid fights, crushes on boys, and your mom dying. My dad remarrying, your stepmom being a witch, my stepmom being a witch. I miss you. I miss you I miss you I miss you. I can't wait to see you. Other Best Friend-I miss you! It's been forever since we talked. I hope you had the Merriest Christmas/Hanaka/Kwanza/New Year/Everything else. This summer I should come stay at your house/you come stay at mine. Take advantage of the short distance between us instead of the usual 2,000 or whatnot. I hope everything is going well. People still miss you ya know. Third Best Friend-Tennis child. I heart you. Mwahahahahah. We're gonna have such a blast when I come even if we don't have very long. Psycho child, let's borrow eggs and insult motocross kids! *sticks out tongue* If Relient K ever goes to SLC or the like, we're so going. I don't care how. Other Friend Who I Love to Death-Come home!!! Even though you love it there. Well I suppose you can stay. But we have to go skiing and such winter of 2005. Mmm. Violence and Dr. Pepper. What has two legs and bleeds profusely again? Mwahaha. Wow I'm in a psycho mood. I'm stopping!
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