
Feeling: lousy
10:17 AM Dunno how I feel about all of this. [Random News] Alex came home last night. Liz left me a message like "There's Alex for you." My heart kind of slammed against my chest and I went to message him and saw that he'd already messaged me. It made me happy. He makes me happy. Yesterday was spent sitting on my bum, being lazy and listening to music. I like Taking Back Sunday. Today I'm getting dragged to the grocery store, the pet store, and Block Buster. Yay Blockbuster. I will rent random movies off my list and watch them. It'll make me happy. I read most of my Spaztaztic sD yesterday, in order from first to last. I used to be such a sad little emo girl. In that really obnoxious way. I was an obnoxious kid. I probably still am. Oh well. ...I miss Craig... [/random news] Why I was writing this entry has sort of deteriorated. I wanted to write something, but I don't know if I want it public where everyone can read it, including the person it's about. I dunno. Maybe later. I might as well shower and get dressed and go with my family. Bleh. By the way, you're so mistaken.
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lol i went to blockbuster last night..but the one around here never has any copies of the new releases actually there! bridget jones 2 came out like 3 weeks ago and they stil didnt have it lol..i tlked mom into buying it:)