Not really spazzy. I miss being Spaz, the 4 year old. Whatever else. Hm...I'm such a whiner now-a-days. I was always an whiner. Emo me. Life is so hard. I'll cry in a dark room. Poor my thoughts on paper. My head on my pillow. Hair fanned out around me. Blood soaking into sheets. HAHA. Cutting is gross. I could never cut. Because I'm afraid of knives and blades and needles and such. HAHA. Not that you could cut with a needle but whatever. I want a soda. I could seriously use one. Aly commented about my accent and they way I say "cute" and "soo" and "Minnesota". Curse those counselors from Minnesota*wink wink* I just want it to be summer. I want this year to end. I really do. I miss you all. I've decided. I'm not going to be quiet. I'm going to attempt to get a date. Heehee. Pathetic I know. Alas, I am pathetic. I spend my life online, wasting my words in a journal or an empty conversation box. Reading journals about how Suzie and John got high last Friday and can't wait for the party tonight where they can drink till they pass out. Journals about screwing that cute boy down the street after you ran into him at the super market. And occasionally a thought provoking journal or a funny journal like Korex's journal. All I have to say is, holy crap! That kid is hella funny(and also fairly attractive). So yay for him. I don't even know him. HA. I'm stupid. I will stop boring you all with my pointless entry. Subway--eat fresh!!
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