From the Girl Who Never Writes

Feeling: saucy
12:35 PM So...this is an entry from the girl who never writes in her sD. I have a smoothie. A strawberry-banana smoothie to be exact. By the way, my blender SUCKS. I look foward to our purchase of a lovely blender that is wonderful and crushes ice fast(rather than so slowly that I almost DIE before it crushes all the ice.) Hmm...lately, I have done...nothing? I dunno. Regular stuff. The past two weeks have consisted of sleeping, swimming, eating ice cream, falling asleep on the futon at the Duplays and having Brady magically appear, running, Youth Group, church, Xanga entries, hair cuts, tipping hair unnatural colors, pool parties, ridiculous drama and/or fights, getting accepted into LHS, etc. I'm too lazy to write about it. Obviously. So...I'll do major points. Um...past two weeks I've gone to Youth Group and Church with Katie. Hung out with Luke and Eric after one Youth Group. We swam and played Euchre at Katie's. Me and Eric still won, even though I had no idea what I was doing. Katie and I went to the mall twice, once to get hair dye, and the other, just to get away from our familes. Scary men hit on us in Journeys. Note to self: Never take Katie anywhere in her worn converse, because everyone is facsinated with them. I tipped my hair blue. It turned out really well. My dad found out and threw a hissy fit. Whatever. He can be a jerk about it. He has no say, all he does it sign his name to a check and forget to call 3 times a month. Um...I went to a wonderful show. Jude the Obscure played and they were amazing, as usual. Katie and I took loads of pictures and they're posted on my photobucket. Yay photobucket. *lessthanthree* This week I wasn't at the Duplay's too much. Saw Brady 3 of the 4 times I was there. *shrugs* I dunno...I can't remember really. Nate's an idiot. I think Katie might throw him in front of a rollercoaster while they are at Cedar Point on Friday. Oh boy. This entry was pointless. At least I'm now all caught up on my life...or something.
Read 2 comments
Smoothies rock! x3
You have awesome tastes in music. Thank you for not listening to country.