School Spiritified!!!

Feeling: perky
Yeah, baby! Who's got school spirit?!? Yeah. That's right, the one, the only ME! Man...I'm so awesome. Haha. Whatever. I look soo patriotic in my red, white, and blue! Yes...those are Springfield's colors. Aly is gonna be here in about an hour and a half. And I look rad! HAHA. Ribbons, devil horns, got it all! I can't wait. We seriously better kick Anthony Wayne's butts or I will die. Logan won homecoming...Sky View hauled butt at their it's time for Springfield to win. Anyways. HEHE. I'm excited. And hyper. GO DEVILS!!!! KICK THEIR TRASH!!! Miss you all. BYE! --------------------- 5:25 I was looking through Teresa's photos. Which I do a lot, when all conversations are dead. I miss her so much. I almost started crying. I dunno why. I have been really homesick lately. I can't wait to go home. I want it to be JANUARY!! My goodness. Teresa you are awesome and I love you!! And when I come back we will hang out or something. And swim and such. Yay. You are rad!! Okay. That's all. I was just missing her.
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Awwww, Katherine!
*tears up*
I miss you so much, it's not even fair.