today...and oprah

so yeah...ive been reading a bunch of entries and it seems that today is 'complain about my boyfriend day'...and since i dont have a boyfriend to complain ABOUT im just gonna say how much i hate school. yeah today was long and slow...and i came home with a headache. and in geography we watched this episode of oprah on female violence in other countries and i started crying right there in class. this kid was like "are you all right!?"...but it was just SO hard to hear AND SEE. they actually showed this little girl getting symbols carved into her skin after they 'circumsized' her in africa. *grapic shit* in some parts of africa ((i believe)) they actually cut off a girls clit and sew her vagina shut...and they dont even do it when they are babies! they do it when they are like 8-12 so they will reconize the pain and they will remember it ALL their lives. they believe woman arent marriable ((wont be married off lol)) if they didnt have that done. i mean WHAT logic is that...!? and then it was talking about the little girls being sold as sex slaves in india...and i KNOW it happens here but this little girl actually talked about the night she got rescued after they forced her to hae sex with16 men!!! she was freaking EIGHT years old! can you imagine what that can do to a girl that age? and she said she was bleeding SO bad but they wouldnt let her stop...and i just started crying because there was nothing she could do. and then this other girl from india where the men believe if they have been denied or rejected in ANY way they can throw acid on that girl...and this little girls cousin ((who she was sleeping with that night)) was 12! and had rejected a marriage proposal from this 53 year old they got a "acid attack" and she got the worst of it...and she didnt even do it. so she came over to america for corrective surgery and it was just so sad. * but yeah anyways...i have rehearsals tuesday and thursday, then SCA & Keyclub on wed. so yay...but we get out of school in 10 days! woo thats a little too far though...grr later Marcia
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