ok so im like dying but i actually have to GO to school tomorrow cuz i already missed days this week. i went to georgia over spring break and had alot of fun with katie and such but of course while we were there we all passed around some sort of virus...so me and katie are home AFTER spring break dying. i like layed in bed ALL day on easter cuz thats all i could do. hmmm...i really dont want to go back to school...but honestly its been a long time so why not lol now that i have like EVERYTHING to catch up on. man we didnt get to go to the beach while in GA!! we fought like all week to go and then i wake up friday morning ((when we were PROMISED a trip to the beach)) and the house is like shaking from thunder and it was bad outside...so we were bummed, only for like 2 hours till we found out they had to shut down the beach anyways due to SHARKS everywhere lol. they showed footage on the news and there were like 15 sharks real close to shore so its cool lol. this weekend im going over to rachels house to clean with her. she is having a baby on tuesday((ABBY IS COMING!! yay)) so i will be another aunt real soon. im so happy but her husband is a bum and would rather play softball this weekend instead of get ready for the baby so im gonna go help. well...i gotta go chill some more cuz im off to school tomorrow =( lol LATER
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haha, no we're buying the car from him for really cheap, like 200 bucks lol... apprently 200 bucks is alot to a 24 year old....
YeWr diary ish purdy.
I ♥ it.
