so there is this guy. . .

and im like SUPER confused about whats going on. i like him alot, but its weird because he used to like be in love with my best friend katie. and unfortunatly i was born with the curse of thinking im not good enough for anyone, so thats definalty getting the best of me. im really afraid to tell him. when i was younger and i didnt really care, i would tell all the guys i liked, now it DOES mean something so im scared of rejection i guess. i really thought about it last night and he really fits all the ideas i had about a guy...physically, mentally, everything. its just weird because A) if he does like me, i feel like it would be because me and Katie are like SOO similar...and thats not really cool for him or me. and B) because if he doesnt like me, and he finds out i like him, then we couldnt just chill like we do now...cuz it would be weird. Me, katie, and him just chill at the mall sometimes, and talk, and laugh and its great and fun...i dont want to ruin it :-/ but i really like him...and i have to admit im not EXACTLY sure why, it just happend. hes into some weird stuff, but that doesnt bother me...and i know hes not like other guys. he actually has manners, and he wouldnt be pushy or anything...UGH im truly confused. i guess it comes down to, i do want him to know, i just dont want to tell him lol. i want him to know, so then he wouldnt be afraid to say if he DOES like me, but i dont want ME to tell him cuz i dont want him to feel like he couldnt be honest that he doesnt like me or does to my face. if that makes sense...cuz it makes sense to me. hmm any advice? cuz that might help some.
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cute diary..xoxo