
so yesterday i got my license. i went to katies house and picked her up then we drove around all day. we went to lunch at red robin ((it was SO good...but freaking expensive for our broke asses)). then we went and did some shopping. i actually bought 2 CDs for the first time in like 2 years. i download music, and never have money so i took full advantage of this gift card i had since christmas lol. i bought Josh Gracin, and the new All American Rejects...which is good =). then we went and saw Bad News Bears. it was cute, but wasnt the best ever. the little kids were cussing up a storm lol so i dont recommend it for younger children. then today katie got HER license so she came and picked me up, and we ran some errands for her dad. we went to home depot and got like 6 bags of 45 POUND bags of salt lol ((which he made US carry all the way from the house, into the basement)) so i officially have abs lol. then we went grocery shopping, and then it was off for us. we drove around, and picked up Juan. then we went to the mall for a while and drove around alot. then we went to dinner at Silver Diner after like 3 hours of deliberating lol...but it was good. so im SO full, and SO tired. tomorrow i have to clean my truck...that i have to drive till the end of the summer =( i have to say i was pretty bummed yesterday when i looked outside and there was no car for me. even though my parents TOLD me i wasnt going to have it the day i get my license, i hyped myself up thinking may b they were lying to suprise me...but nope there was no car. but im not totally crushed cuz at least im getting one...and im not paying for it so its all good...plus i have a truck to drive till then so im good. ok so i got a job...5$ an hour to watch an infant. ill work about 5 hours a day. this week i get 4 days so thats an easy 100$. the lady said usually she will only need me 3 days, but thats better because that means i can make $75 watching her kid, then $30 watching my brother. so im pretty much good for a while with the money thing =)
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Cute diary
Well just stopping by to say Hello

love always