my book, school, & drunken taebo

ok my head kind of hurts alot...but i got lik half of the first chapter done in my book. its HARD to start a book! i think the beginning is the hardest part cuz i started this damned thing like 10 times and i didnt like any of them cept this one...and even this one i think is gay but idk. today...i felt like shit but i hauled my ass to school. i did get an excuse letter for PE though which is good cuz i SO would not have done that shit. they had both classes like run around the gym for 5 min listening to really bad music and then they blew a whistle...and everyone ran to the middle, grabbed a card and did whatever was on it like 10 pushups, crunches, jumping jacks etc...yeah they did this like 4 times...and that was the "Warm up". sorry but for me the warm up is just getting from the locker room to the gym lol. then they got to chose either flag football (gag) or taebo ((double gag))...haha it was HILARIOUS watching though. nobody in that whole room had cordination and if you know what taebo is...just imagine a bunch of drunk ppl doing it...thats what it looked like lol. so the rest of the day was just LONG. then i came home and sifted through like 100 emails...and i couldnt take a nap because my body is retarted and the last 2 nights ive been rolling around until like TWO and then waking up 4 hours later...sike i dont work that way!! tomorrow outta be fine i guess and then its FRIDAY. i get my permit in exactly one week. i brought home my drivers ed notebook so i can start studying...i probally WONT until like next tuesday but w/e ill be fine. well...this is a pretty long entry compared to my last one for im doin a little better.
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