
ok so the 'oh hell' is definatly for the fact that one of my favorite artists ((aka john mayer)) has started a band. now i bet this band is good, no doubt, because john mayer is kick ass...but i LOVE him by himself. thats what made him so special is he was kick ass ALONE...hes waaay better by himself...and this makes me sad. just him and his guitar is all he needs, but now he adds a piano and drums and calls it the 'John Mayer Trio' :-( so today was good. i woke up and ate breakfast ((no carbs)), and then me and my brother did some cleaning....ya know lol. then we went outside. i tanned ((YES! it worked lol)) and my brother swam in out mini pool we bought this weekend. then we came inside and i made lunch, like a good babysitter lol ((which i had NO carbs again)) and watched the hot chick...so it was good today,no fighting and i made $15. of course for dinner i had carbs but i drank pleanty of water so i think im goodf. tomorrow night katie is probally gonna come over, and im gonna tan some more tomorrow lol in preperation for the beach =) which isnt that long away! so only 10 more days and i have my licence!!!!!! i am so freaking excited, seriously. i dont know when im getting my car, which kindda makes me sad, but at least im getting one. i do think my parents are doing something behind my back though, and thats good lol =) so im off to read the 5th harry potter book for the second time ((lol how dorky is THAT!?)) but im getting ready for the 6th one that comes out on sat. =) im excited, new adventures to read lol
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Ok, so we're tanning when i come over, definetly. I need some too, really bad. =)
so, i was reading this chicks journal and one of her friends is on bratcamp.."a girl who used to be my friend is on brat camp. jada. twas funny watching her.. everybody watch brat camp. wedsdays on abc at 8"

haha, i don't think it's the phantom duke though ;)