feeling sick =(

Listening to: 7th heaven
Feeling: sinful
i wasnt feeling well this morning plus the fact that my alarm clock went off at the time im supposed to leave the house...so i stayed home. now my throat is swollen and all gross blah. i didnt sleep very well either so im gonna go lay in my bed while watching all my shows tonight. i got 7th heaven, everwood, will and grace, then battle for ozzfest, and will and grace again lol..then ill pass out. i watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Connie and Carla...they are both GREAT movies! ESSM was confusing but very good...and the ending kindda sucks alot but we can forgive that. Connie and Carla was very funny...its about 2 girls that witnessed a crime and so they ran away and started acting like performing cross dressers lol...great times. these movies they come up with now. anyways im off...to lay down cuz im sick. i have to go to the doctors tomorrow :-( hopefully they will give me meds so ill be ok to do shit this weekend. later Marcia
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