SWEET 16!!

ok soooo today was my birthday...and it didnt start TOO well cuz i had to get changed in 2 min this morning, but i made it to school. it was a long boring day was usual but i got lots of hugs ((and hits)), and then in 7th period i got a card from my friend Allegra ((who i never told about my b-day lol)) gave me a card signed by like 10 ppl in my classes. it was sweet. and then i got called down to the office and there were balloons waiting there from my daddys =) hmm..i did have to sit outside for 2 hours after school though but its all good. my mom was acting weird and kept telling me we had to stop somewhere and i REALLY thought we were going to pick up a car but no we were headed toward the place where we get piercings =) they are gonna get my nose pierced. im getting a car in july, and it didnt bother me that i didnt get it today. im SO happy they are gonna let me pierce it! but they were closed, and the other tattoo place was closed, so im getting it done tomorrow ((or friday)). i went to my FAAVORITE restaurant for dinner. i got wrapped tuna sushi((my faaaaavorite)) and a huge dinner that i couldnt finish lol. then i came home and ate cake yay! i g2g to bed cuz im soooo tired LATER
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Ahh YAY! Happy birthday!!! I was totally trying to bring you balloons while you were at school but my dad couldn't go into work late =/...i'm glad you had a good b-day!!!
Happy b-day ^_^