YAY for cars!!

Listening to: 98.7-country
Feeling: freezing
starting some countdowns!! lol GEORGIA aka SB: 9 days SWEET 16th: 43 days license: 135 days lol =(
ok so yesterday my whole county got out of school early because it was like icy from the 'snow storm' we had. on monday it was freaking 68!! i was like WHAT!? but i wasnt complaining...i am not though cuz im FREEZING lol. then today((it was my bad classes)) went fine lol. Child development is the only class i like on odd days, and then in geog. we did like oragami ALL class lol then in spanish the ESOL students did some presentations and i got to watch this HOT spanish guy for like 20 min...then we got food so i was happy cuz that class is the WORST and that made it go by quicker. soo guess what!? im getting a car!!! or at least im almost POSITIVE cuz i did a little sneaking around earlier and i saw some papers with some cars on them and it made me happy. and katie is getting her dream car which makes me happy too...so YAY. even though my freakin license is like FOREVER away grrr. so yeah... this weekends i have no plans, but my mom is going into the hospital tomorrow for surgery in her throat and stomach...so im pretty sure im gonna clean. A) to maker her happy and B) so she doesnt get really sick. then im gonna CHILL and think about how depressed i am that we have a WHOLE nother week before spring break lol. who is watching american idol?? its kindda pissing me off that they are doing this whole girl/boy thing but i LOOVE Mario Vasquez & Carrie Underwood. i really hope one of them win. they are the best in my opinion...i dont even like, like 5 ppl that are still here. for my birthday i dont think im gonna have a party. i told my mom that i didnt want a party if they would buy me a car. my mom is from georgia and sweet 16 is a BIG deal...like she was ready to spend 3,000$ for a party...and im just like are you INSANE!? you can buy a car for that!! lol so i really dont want a party. shoot i will pay for me and a couple of friends to go to sakura...happy birthday thats it lol. actually ill only invite like 3 lol unless i invite Reesa...idk. katie duh, and my friend lauren is like SAKURA YOU BIRTHDAY YAY! lol and my best friend shellie...then a sleep over...not expensive at all lol. yay for cars!! and birthdays!! and SUMMMMER!! sorry im a little hyper...i had like 5 cokes already today... well im done for today =) im FREEZING!!! marcia
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