YeStErDaY & tOdAy

Listening to: Ashlee Simpson
Feeling: torn
wow i hate that sticky caps shit but hey why not... yesterday my day was not that bad. child development rocked ((as usual)) we started picking out the books we are gonna do with the little kids *yay*. then ya know the day just happend. not much homework still *knocks on wood* and its just boring to be in school but then i got home and had like a MAJOR headache so i went to sleep. i woke up at like 7 and was like damn i slept long. and i knew it was a mistake not to tell someone to wake me up. but i got in the shower because of course at 8 i had to be ready to watch 7th heaven and then Everwood *biiig smile*. then i read from like 10 until like 11. i finally took my sleeping pill at like 10 cuz i 4got to take it earlier. well needless to say i didnt get ANY sleep. may b like 2 hours...and it SUCKED when my alarm went off this morning i seriously wanted to cry. anyways today i was suprisly wasnt as tired as i thought i would be. but damnit 6:15 is TOO early to be waking up...dont these people UNDERSTAND the concept of SlEep!??! but first period wasnt that bad--julius caesar and reading. then drivers ed was fun. we went over the regular shit like controls and buttons and shit under the hood and what to check before you leave and stuff. then she took us outside to her car and we did a 'demonstation' and looked under the hood. we start PE on monday blah. then there was lunch where i went in the libary and read ((that gay guy was in there...i still havent figured out his name!! well i know his last name is edgar)) but then biology where we used the micriscope and looked at wet newspaper ((which looked TOTALLY cool)) and a leaf...yeah then geometry which could possible be the GAYEST class ever made. its so long and confusing it makes me sad! im going to see MacBeth on friday or hamlet i cant remember lol...but otta be fun. well ill probally write back later IF i can get onto the site right before One Tree Hill *yay* tonight is the best night ever--Primere yayayayayayaya oh and Carl Budding is the coolest dude alive. i have been LIVING off diet coke, Carl Budding ham, and salad for like a week and i lost 5 punds lol. go me! --marcia--
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