Is there truth in every cliche?

Like my last entry, I am going to touch upon some cheesy phrase and attempt to find meaning in it. This week's winner... *drum roll*... oh the anticipation!.. True love never dies. True or False. Honestly, I have no clue. Everytime I ever thought I was even remotely in 'love'... it eventually died (the love, that is). So in a way, this is quite reassuring to me. I've just never experienced true love. And if it's really as good as they all say, then that gives me something to look forward to. I can long for the day I fall completely 'head over heels' and it blows away all the other times I foolishly thought i was in 'love.' Will this day ever come? I guess time will answer me that. I hate to have expectations for future becuase I usually get let down. But i hope true love finds me. That's when the tricky part comes in and I start to wonder... what if it already has found me? Have I already been graced by true love's presence? All the relationships I've ever had, I've been able to convince myself to fall out of whatever spell I was in. So does this make love a mental thing we all make up? Therefore, we can also make it die when we want? Do we invent love? I don't know. I've just officially confused myself like none other. If anyone has some insight on this topic to share, please do. In summary, I still have faith that there is truth in true love never dies. I'd like to believe that true love is very different than love. I've very possibly been in love before and it sure can die. But not true love. I hope I never found it yet. And if i ever find it, it won't die. ---- Mulan is a good movie.
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stepphhyy =)wow, lol i tell you this everytime i write a comment but i love reading your entry's they're so original. i love them. but wow last night was an intense night. kinda disappointing. =/. oh well. we'll live. but thanks for everything. =) cya buddy *hearts*

hi from Butch Brute
mulan is a good movie.. hm random. but true. especially the dragon that looks like a lizard hes a gangster.
well hope u find ur true love soooon!
mulan does/used to make me cry