Chicken, good.

The update on that: Last night was just the first of one of my the many 2006 bonfires to come. While I was picking up beer cans and max's shoes this morning, dad handed me the empty bottle of grey goose vodka and told me this would have been a good bonfire starter. Heh, good times. I have crazy friends, and an even crazier family. It was inevitable for me to be crazy as well. --- The update on this: So we waltzed on the trampoline, drunk off wine, thinking that Paul Bunyon and his ox were near us. During this completely strange moment, I realized that I was perfectly content with him, and that I was smiling REAL. Everytime I see him, I want to hold him and tell him all the reasons why he is so amazing. ---but the standards of this life prevent me from doing that. For i would be talking for way too long that it would seem quite odd. So on the other hand, I keep it all in. From my actions he should know that I feel this things about him, but I have never said any of this to him. --- The update on it all: I've decided that gummi bears, yes gummi bears, beat out all other candy.
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