Damn this.

I am the bastard fucking flu. I will give your good old immune system an amusing test while leaving you feeling like complete crap. You'll soon develop a strong hatred towards Dayquil... and Nyquil. Tea, oatmeal, and kleenex will never be the same again either. Once I take over, you'll become a permanent attachment to the couch. Anytime you feel the need to get up, I will attack you with dizzy spells. Moo-haha. Daytime TV.. it's one of life's essentials in my opinion. You should think so too. That is why I'm going to give you no option other than to watch it for hours. The things that people usually love, like the beauty of light and sounds, will soon be their worst nightmare. Last but not least, my favorite pastime is making my victims feel as uncomfortable as possible. Cold? Go ahead and put that blanket on. Wait, now you're burning up? Sucks for you. Ha. Tired? Don't even try to sleep. I won't let you! Yes, I'm aware that I'm a damn shithole, but I love it because I'm the FLU. And i have this awesome way of finding people at this time of year, especially ones named Steph. --- So yes. I had an awesome time all night bowling with awesome people on Saturday night/Sunday morning. I was a damn happy girl I must say. But I awoke feeling like crap. I wasn't damn happy anymore. Yes, the bug found me. February is supposed to bring love, not the flu. But hey- atleast something is attracted to me? Always the bad, eh. --- I feel the need to make a tribute to January. It was an insanely long 31 days full of ups and downs. But that's what made it so cool and interesting and worthy of a summary on my lovely new blog thingy... In a few ways, you changed my life drastically. So what happened? Well, I discovered sketching and photography. I'm a madwoman and it's all I do anymore. I really fell in love with it. Speaking of love, it was a tricky bastard to me and threw me into one of those situations. Everything is good and fun... it all goes haywire and unnecesary confuses arises.. and now I'm a faint friend. I guess I deserved it, damn you karma. But I coped and conquered, just as I did with my fear of styrofoam this month. I got a new high bowling score of 149. I was told that I outgrew highschool. I travelled to random places like Southside and lost villages called Pancake. Witnessed Krista seeing Tikimen. Rocked at concerts. I dominated my first mental meltdown by learning the art of 'moving on'. Whoa, its an amazing thing. Mr Brydon played my favorite song on the guitar (u2-one) and i was lost. Started to study the Tao. Recieved a 4.2 on my report card without putting forth any effort. Bonded with a lot of new people. New. Change. Two keypoints of this month, id say. Um... I began my new class, drafting, considering it may be my future? And this isn't even the half of it. Yes, a crazy month.
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i hate the flu
hey stephy.. saturday was awesome with the girls. cant wait till this weekend. thanks for everything steph. i love you*

you should laugh more often its said that laughing helps strengthen your immune system
we have drafting at our school
i want to take it next year
some poor guy last year in my interior design class took it only because he thought it was drafting. the only guy in the whole class. sad.

so when time comes to claim me
my friends and my family will gather around my grave
and they'll believe that they knew me and love me and miss me
and all call me by my name