Hopscotch, skip-its, hoolahoops.

Listening to: Common- faithful
She asked if they could spend the night together He thought and said, "I'm tryin' to get my life together" Went home to his lady, these were his confessions "Baby you a blessin' and my best friend" I'm listening to rap and I like it? --- I cannot comprehend the fact that there is only two weeks of summer left. Whenever I get lost in something that is so surreal like these past few months, I can't even try to imagine it ending. I can't imagine many of my friends running off to college while I start my LAST freaking year of high school. I shun the reality of it all. Yet, I've never been more intrigued by the future. --- I finally got the time to finish Harry Potter. It took me a while because I like to read it out loud in a british accent sometimes. Ha, I'm serious too. Anyway, I realized why I like the books so much. They are more true than anything (ironic, it's fiction about wizards). There is never a fake, happy ending like most books do just to satisfy the reader. I'm actually depressed when I read the last page. The books deserve all the credit they've gotten. Screw anyone who has anything bad to say about it. Yes, an avid Harry Potter dork am I. --- Damnit, am I a sucker for a nice pair of eyes. How can I fall for someone based solely on a single characteristic? Why do i still have hope that there are real romantic oppurtunites like in those chick flicks? My heart thingy is stupid and i hate it and it and its corrupted by all you boys who messed me up... Haha, my apologies. --- So try not to talk to dogs or wake up on bathroom floors or get hamburgers smashed in your face. Be safe. Au revoir.
Read 5 comments
hey steph i like to smash burgers in drunk peoples faces 8-)

Mmmm...Common. You'de like Mos Def and Talib Kweli as well. Try to hear "Get By". Music for your soul.

You were following an old guy with candy...hahahahaha I hope I trip next time :)
i'll get you back krista hah. p.s.-- update your journal!

thanks for the recommendation rob. i know get by- that song owns much.

bill, what can i reply to that? simply, insane. no words.

this summer is incredible. I cant wait till next summer. And the next time .. i'll be following the candy man with ya, hahaha.