'The world owes me nothing, and we owe eachother the world.

I promise this is not a hoax. Our la-x team just won the first varsity game in something crazy like four years. And not just won... We completely dominated 14-4! If that wasn't good enough, it also happened to be on senior rec night. So that meant a pizza celebration after. W00t! I couldn't be happier. ---- It is dark and rainy outside. And my Dad is mowing the lawn? I swear he's got a severe case of ADD. --- My most favorite Noob and I are going to senior prom! Considering we are both juniors, if anyone asks then I'm with chad and Noob's with Nicci. It's a genius scheme. It's going to be awesome. I'm pretty siked. And Stacey is going with Kyle! So that makes 3 sisters at one prom. Pretty kickass. So I guess I gotta go out and get a dress and get me some money. Oh I can't wait to actually wear makeup and a dress and feel like a girl. =) --- P.S. The Motion city soundtrack/ melee concert Tuesday was rocking. 'Twas a swell time with some more than swell people. P.S.S. I have no time for this thing anymore.
Read 10 comments
yes yes i did take those picture i took them in a studio the other day.
sit back. relax. paint a picture of mr hill.
aww. steph! You're going to prom!?!? That's super exciting! Have tons of fun. You'll have to take a bunch of pictures and show me.. -Ash
Hey thanks Ash! Yeah i am pretty excited, i haven't gone to a dance in so long. I'll be sure to take a bunch of pictures and show ya, no doubt about that lol. Sweetlicks protest? =)

In response to the comment you left me - think nothing of it all, tell stace the same thing. i meant to ask if you would draw another satan for me.
cont'd - this time on a canvas. i'd buy it for you and any supplies. i'd really love having that on my wall in my dorm room. lemme know :)
haha sure thing on the sweetlicks protest.. I finally got my digital camera back, so we should go cruising for ideal photo shots... Dances are alright
cont'd.. but I just didn't feel like going to prom this year. I've been to 3 already, so it's not biggee.. but have tons of fun! -Ash
moing the lawn in the rain and such hahah that is fun stuff

Rawb- Oh! I'd be entirely willing. I'll try and get some stuff from art.

Ash- A photo trip sounds excellent. We should plan that soon. That's a shame i wont be seeing you at prom, but i dont blame you for not going if you've been to three already. I'd be all prom'ed out. I havent been to dance since ninth grade. So i guess I'm due. lol.

Talk to you guys later. Thanks for the comments.