i dont even know

i am so bored right now, i want to stay online 4 my dave because something is wrong and i know he prolly needs someone to talk to and i want to be here 4 him because i love him lotz n lotz ugh so i am going to do the survey that sarah did while i wait 1. First Name: Jade 2. Middle Name:Johnston 3. Last Name: Fraser 4. Nick Names: jade mcmaid,jaderade and so much more 5. City: Sturbridge 6. Age: 15 7. Birthday: 11/28/89 8. Astronomy Sign: sagiterious (cant spell it) 9. Siblings: 2 lil sisters and an older bro 10. Pets:a dog n chickens and hopefully a farret:)! 11. Hair Color: like a redish auburn maroon color i dont know exactly 12. Hair Length: long but short 13. Eye Color: blue 14. Do you find yourself attractive? No 15. Do you find yourself ugly? Sometimes 16. Do others find you attractive? ppl tell me i am but i dont believe them 17. Do you have a g/f or a B/F? do we have to talk about this, i havea true love how bout that 18. If so.. What is -their- name? steven 19. Hobbies? ummm, being online, idk 20. Did you send this to your crush? no 21. Where do you shop the most? Wal-mart 22. Do you think your fashion is cool? if it wants to be..? 23. Do you have any piercing(s)?ears 24. Where do you want more tongue,nose,eyebrow 25. Do you have a tattoo? coming soon. 26. Do you do drugs? not anymore 27. Who is your best friend(s)-girls? sarah and others 28. Who is your best friend(s)-guys? steven and dave 29. What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use?? whatever my mom buys 30. What sport do u do the most? baseball 31. What are you most scared of?clowns and not being with the one i love 32. How many phones are in your house? 2 33. How many TV's do you have in your house? 3 but one only likes to work when it feels like it 34. What are you listening to right now: nothing, well except 4 my stepdad bitching 35. Who are you talking to right now? christel 36. Do you have your own phone line? if u count a cell fone 37. Do you shave? Yes 38. What shoes do you wear? Converse 39. What clothes do you sleep in? my carebear jammers 40. What car do you have? no car yet 41. Who is the last person who called: heather i believe 42. If you could change anything about yourself what would it be? my fatneesss 43. Who do you really hate: ooo so many that i hate that have made it to my hit list FAVORITES: 44. Color: blue but red 45. Number: 14 46. Band/group/singer(s): so many to chose from 47. Movie(s): a cinderella story and secret window 48. Candy: i am started to hate candy 49. TV show: ONE TREE HILL!!! 50. Food: pickles 51. Fast Food:wendys 52. Girl Names: i like my name 53. Boy Names: steven, christopher micheal 54. Radio Station: WAAF 55. CD or Tape: jet get born 56. Store: ugh shopping 57. Body Scent:smelly...lol no candys idk whatever i feel like buying 58. Ice Cream Flavor: mint chocolate chip 59. Teacher: ummm...mr hitov 60. Game: CANDYLAND! 61. Saying: "what doesnt kill you,only makes you stronger" or "those who are clever,who have a brain,never understand anything" HAVE YOU EVER: 62: Loved somebody so much it makes u cry? yup 63. Smoked? Yes 65. Drank and got drunk? Yes 66. Broke the law? Yes 67. Ran from the cops? yes 69. Stole something? Yes 70. Tried to kill yourself? yes 71. Made yourself throw up? no 72. Been in love? Yes 73. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? no WHAT FIRST COMES TO MIND: 74. Red:steven 75. Cow: moo 76. Pig: quack 77. Rubber: condom 78: Socks: rock 79. Mirror:break WHICH IS WORSE: 80. Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie? i am so in love with MM its not even funny (dont get me wrong i mean Rob Zombie is awesome)so i would so chose MM 81. Having your tonsils or Appendix removed? no 82. Who is your crush? i am in love how many times do i have to say it! 83 Who is the person that sent this to you? no one did i stole it from sarah! ugh, i think i am going to die...
Read 3 comments
fine, shut the fuck up about kim, and i wont say anything about your stoned off his ass "brother"
how did u get the rows of icons??
god damn it its been buggin the fuck outta me