lets keep on truckin'

Feeling: amazing
OH.EM.GEE. i just saw charlie and the chocolate factory. best muther effin' movie. i laughed so hard i almost started crying. it was freakin awesome GO SEE IT !!!! im telling you its freakin awesome 1. FULL NAME: Jade Johnston Fraser 2. WHO WERE YOU NAMED AFTER?: some person in a book 3. SCHOOL: THS 4. MASCOT: some indian 5. NICKNAMES: jj,spify ... 6. BIRTHDAY: Nov. 28 7. ZODIAC SIGN: Sagitarious 8. AGE: 15 9. GRADE: junior 10. HOMETOWN: sturbridge 11. HEIGHT: 5'4" 12. HAIR COLOR: burgandy-black 13. EYE COLOR: Blue 14. DESCRIBE YOURSELF: im me? 15. SIBLINGS: 1bro,2 sisters,1 stepbro,1stepsis 16. OLDEST, YOUNGEST, OR MIDDLE: middle 17. PETS: dog,goat,chickens 18. AOL SCREEN NAMES: xxjadexgemxx, BANG x BANG 0,skittlesnbeerx69 19. LAST CD YOU BOUGHT: cant remember 20. LAST MOVIE YOU SAW IN THE THEATER: charlie and the chocolate factory !!! BEST MOVIE !! 21. LAST MOVIE YOU RENTED: cursed 22. DO YOU ACTUALLY LIKE MATH?: hell fuckin no 23. WHO IS YOUR BEST GIRL/BOY FRIEND?:to many to name 24. FAVORITE LYRIC: swing life away bye rise agianst 25. BEST DATE: with steve 26. BEST BOYFRIEND YOU HAD: steve 27. DO YOU DO ANY DRUGS?: on special occasions.. 28. HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE IN YOUR CONTACTS ON YOUR CELL?: idfk 29. ARE YOU ON ANY SPORTS TEAM?: none 30. HOW LONG ARE YOU IN THE SHOWER?:like an hour lol, i love showerss 31. WORST FEAR: airplanes 32. BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: happiness 33. WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD?: emptyness 34. DO YOU HAVE A JOB?: babysitting 35. WHAT COLLEGE DO YOU GO TO OR WANT TO GO TO?: idk * FAVORITES* 36. SUBJECT IN SCHOOL: science 37. LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECT: math !! 38. SPORT: baseball or football 39. TEACHER: idk um mr. muska 40. GAME: idk 41. BAND: the used 42. ACTRESS: ANGELINA JOLIE !!!! 43. ACTOR: JOHNNY DEPP OF COURSE!! 44. MOVIE: i have a lot of favorite movies 45. TV SHOW: one tree hill or familty guy 46. STORE: walmart haha 47. SOUND: umm.. 48. SMELL: cucumber melon 49. PLACE TO GO ON VACATION?: anywere 50. SCARY MOVIE: umm i love all scary movies 51. VIDEO: idk 52. BOOK: walk two moons 53. MONTH: april 54. CLOTHES: umm there clothes? 55. FOOD: pizza 56. COLOR: green 57. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE: vodka,mikes hard lemonade,or smirnoff ice 58. GUM: juicy fruit strappleberry 59. DAY: um tuesday? 60. HOLIDAY: halloween * WHAT DO YOU THINK OF * 61. BILL CLINTON: politics,ew 62. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: happens to the best of us 63. ABORTION: not right, with some exceptions 64. TEENAGE SMOKING: your choice 65. EATING DISORDERS: get over yourself your not fat 66. MARILYN MANSON?: HOTT 67. GUY BANDS: y not 68. DEATH: adventure 69. TITANIC: it sunk what more do u want 70. JERRY SPRINGER: funny 71. SUICIDE: bad 72. SOUTH PARK: fuckin hilarious 73. RELIGION: if you believe in it * WHEN YOU HEAR THIS NAME, WHO DO YOU THINK OF? * 74. RYAN: sex? 75. BOB: love 76. ZACH: a name 77. KATIE: bitch 78. STACY: ughvavf;f 79. Stephanie: nascar budyy! 80. BRIAN: love 81. JASON: stupid 82. JESSICA: OH MY GOD ITS GOING TO EAT US !! 83. HEATHER: MY SEX PARTNER! 84. ERIN: ew 85. AMY: doesnt like me 87. BRITTANY: ? 88. CHRISTOPHER: MY LOOVVEEE ♥ 89. JAMIE: blazed * THIS OR THAT * 90. APPLES OR BANANAS:this shit is bananas !! haha i lovee bananas 91. APPLES OR ORANGES: apples i hate oranges 92. RED OR BLUE: Blue 93. WAL-MART OR TARGET: Target 94. SUMMER OR WINTER: Summer 95. SANTA OR RUDOLPH: Rudolph 96. HIGH SCHOOL OR COLLEGE: High school 97. PAPER OR PLASTIC: umm? 98. DEAF OR BLIND: Deaf 99. TRUTH OR DARE: Dare 100. NIGHT OR DAY: night 101. CHOCOLATE CHIP OR OATMEAL RAISIN: Chocolate 102. OCEAN OR POOL: ocean 103. CAKE OR PIE: PIE !! WERE? *looks around**sighs* damn 104. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA: doesnt matter 105. BOXERS OR BRIEFS: Boxers 106. PANTIES OR THONGS: depends on my mood 107. CATS OR DOGS: dogs 108. AOL 4.0 OR 5.0: i dont use aol so it doesnt matter to me 109. GUN OR KNIFE: neither ! violence is bad 110. PANCAKES OR FRENCH TOAST: Pancakes 111. BITTER OR SWEET: both! 112. SILVER OR GOLD: both 113. GOLD OR WHITE GOLD: gold 114. DIAMONDS OR PEARLS: pearls 115. HUGS OR KISSES: both :) 116. CROUTONS OR BACON BITS: croutons 117. SHAKEN OR STIRRED: um shaken? shake wah ur mama gave ya !! 118. DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN: ehh politics 119. ARMAGEDDON OR INDEPENDENCE DAY: um well i have never seen armageddon so.. 120. BATMAN OR SUPERMAN: BATMANN BITCHHHEESSS!!!!!! 121. SUN OR MOON: moon 122. PENCILS OR PENS: Pens 123. SUNSET OR SUNRISE: sunset
Read 7 comments
dude i know! movie kicks ass! johnnys so adorable :D

but yeah, anyway...its mike farrel.

well, im glad you didn't break your foot...or die...lol ;) dont worry jade, i wont let you die by tripping and falling, ill catch you...or you'll just take me down with you...but THE POINT IS, ill try, lol.
haha yeah i know, johnny depp kicks ass.

"everything in this room is edible. the grass is edible, the trees are edible...even I'm edible, but THAT kids, is called canibblism, and it is generally frowned upon by society."

lmao i love him.

but not as much as i love you!!! ♥ lol

eh, go ahead and pull me down with you, cuz then id get to go out with a bang. besides, itd make a funny story, lol.
haha yeah, i want to die in some really stupid way, so it'll be one of those
'brandi died'
'*gasp* oh no! how did that happen? :('
'she was watching george of the jungle and tried to act it out'

seriously, who could keep a straight face if i died like that? lmao

"You know, you really shouldn't mumble, beacuse i cant understand a word youre saying."

"I'm veruka salts!"
"i dont care."
"Yeah, i thought he was ok at first too, then he turned out to be kind of a jerk...and he had a funny haircut."
"I DO NOT!!!" lmao

dude, i so wanna die in some way like that, itd be awesome. then i wanna be a ghost, and possess my body, so i can move and scare the hell out of the people at my funeral, lmao.

i know, im strange.

"they are from loompa land, and were constantly attacked by ferocious creachers like the whangdizzle before i brought them back here with me."
will you go to my diary and answer my question that is on my post
lmao, tripping over your shadow, thats so great!

yes, we will posess other people at our funerals, and then we will have a conversation with each other consisting entirely of "i like grapes"
"you smell like peanuts"
"well you smell like...old people."
"I'm veruka salts."
"i don't care."
"I do NOT have funny hair!"

lmao, i loverrrrrrrrrrrrrr you too jade!