you tickle my fancy

Feeling: torn
today was, i dont know how to explain it,well it had its ups and downs, we had a winter carnival at school so we got 2 hours out of class which was cool. i got to hang out with steven :) he gave me a piggy back ride then on the bus me,him,adrian and marissa got into this huge conversation about masturbation,nipples, and why girls can have multiple orgasms and guys cant and some other stuff, it was very interesting but it was so funny and he said the sweetest thing i was standing up on the bus and steven is the "bus patrol" (dont ask our bus is on drugs) and he was like "your supposed to be sitting" and we got into this wicked funny fight and marissa was just like "push her down push her down" and steven turned around and said "i cant push her, she doesnt deserve that." i thought it was sweet and he sat with me in the morning and he didnt have too either, there was seats everywhere and he was staring at me in the cafeteria everyone says he misses me please god, let him miss me and want me back soon i dont know how long i can take being without him ugh life me and mindy talked about how guys are assholes steve isnt not at all i would cry if i ever even considered him to be one i dont care if he told me too fuck off he is just awesome i am in love marissa is this new girl on my bus and she is wicked cool, she is a freshman, i thought she was like a senior or something but she isnt lol my mistake but she is cool mindy is dragging me to snowball i dont really want to go but i will go 4 her steve isnt going :( he has to go to his dads house plus he kinda has this thing were he doesnt like dances grr and more grr whatever my hand hurts
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Well at least the one you love wants you..and/or thinks about you

Your lucky