
I decided that the 'going out' thing is stupid... not the people... but the im her boyfriend but were not really dating so it doesn't count... i also decided not to do the that again at least until im 16... man i have a crush on one of my really good friends, no one knows not even my best friend... cuase i don't want to make it a big deal... it will pass but he so cute love your friend
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Ouch... That hurts... Its okay though... I will be able to date niki next month!
totally agree. its nothing unless you're ACTUALLY going out as in going places like on actual dates lol.

but having someone to kiss and hug is the bomb. I don't know. I've been dating since I was 15 and a week.
I know exactly what you mean girl..I hate these dang soap operas..and I don't think that it's fair that Jason ALWAYS..get's left out

I don't really care that you haven't told me who you's probably jarren or someone..I'm glad that you have a crush!
do i know who this "friend" is?

yeah, i hate the going out thing too. It sucks so bad. I've known that for a while. Just wait till you get to sv. you'll meet tons of people and hang out with a lot more. muah ha ha. it's so fun! i like boys...

amy (lilsweets)
Yeah, I actually like the thing where you like..hang out or go on dates or whatever and then just kinda..."become a thing" if you know what I mean...
do I know who your "friend" is?? hee hee...just curious