Toole Invitational

Listening to: Black Eyed Peas
Feeling: disappointed
Dang it.. i had so much fun this weekend. We went down to Toole to have a swim meet. A two day BLAST. i had alot of fun. Friday: We got check-out of school at 10:30 i got out of Mr. Gohier class and i was excited i hate that class. oh wow. then i went down to the pool area to see who also had already gotten out of class so far. Only a couple had. Linds's mom walked in with Kyran. Oh hes so cute Linds's mom had to look for Brooke so i took little Kyran on a crusade to search for Aunt Lindsey. When we were waiting for the bus me and Brock decided to see if we could really put my hair up into a MowHawk. It was awesome. We got two blow dryers for each side of my hair Scott with one of them and Brady with the other. then i layed up side down so my hair hanged down and we did the top half of my hair into a MowHawk. We didn't have time to finish the back of it though.. so it was only the top. But it worked it really work my hair stood up straight. i got some pictures of it so and soon as they are developed i will post them. At the meet i really wanted my parents to see my hair so i waited and waited and it was like 15 mins before they were going to stop warm up when they finally showed up and so i showed them and then i ran and jumped in the pool and washed it out and swam a quick warm up. the only thing that i had to swim that day was the 200yd free. i was rank 3rd. i was excited. 3rd and there were 16 teams there. but there are like 6 heats of them in front of me planty of time to get really nervous. and i did. but i did well i don't drop time but i didn't add alot either only like .5 of a sec. i was happy with that and i placed 3rd OVER ALL. yeah for me. that night we couldn't find a place to eat. The bus driver just kept driving in circles and i made Linds so car sick that she vomited.. it almost made me sick and i don't have car sickness. that bus driver was dumb. understatement. after we went back to the beautiful hotel.. ya right.. GETTO! we had a massage room.. a tv room.. a study room... a sleeping room. i choose .. well a litle of it all. after that we went to our rooms in my room... was Danneille, Nicole, Emily and me. we pretty much just went ot bed i was exshausted. but emily couldn't stop laughing. we were probably asleep by well... 10:30 thats like a record for me .. but i was tired. Before we ment to bed Emily showed us somthing really fun. ok what you do is you get a long t-shirt and then pull down your pants a little ways so when you bend over your crack shows.. then you drop somthing and go "woops" and show the person behind your your crack.. we laughed so hard it was funny. Saturday: we woke up at 6:30.. ok nikki did the rest of us slept till 7:--. i called Linds and Chels room like 5 to 7 and woke them up it was really fun to me.. i don't think they thought it was as funny. I was ranked 2nd in the 5oo... thought i was going to explode. wow. i got into the race and iw as head the whole way and then on the last 50. the girl next to me made an amazing recovery and i didn't see it and she out touched me by like .2 of a sec.. but that i just they way it works. i can't really complain though. i got a 2ND!! i was way happy and i dorped 5 seconds! and i am faster than i was at state last year! my 3sec. was happy but really disappointed.. but thas ok 2ND YEAH go me. on the ride home i just mainly slept. i was tired. then we went to my house and watch a movie.. that The Possey said was way funny. i didn't really like.. it it was kinda sick.. but there were some way funny parts. i don't know that i would ever watch it again. i was happy for Chelsea to she placed to !! yeah go Chelsea!! i love you. So did lindsey! yeah you go girls team!! At the end of the Day who are you? -Me Agent Scully
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the story is about me...and how I fall in love with an amazingly sweet guy...who likes me just because..I'm me.....I don't have to pretend to be anyone special, I don't have to be the prettiest or the smartest....I can just be me.