what did i ever do to diserve this from you

Listening to: Audiovent
Feeling: needy
I woke up yesterday at 6:30 and barffed not the greatest experience of my life. or the worst. i was like crappy this is going to ruin my entire week i can see it already. i go back to sleep, at least i got back to sleep. i wake up at 7 "oh crappy" this time i didn't barf i just ended up sleeping for like a half an hour on the downstairs bathroom floor. when i woke up again and relized what i had done i was like GROSS (for those that have seen that downstair bathroom you know why) so i said to myself forget this! and went into the FoodPantery and got a bucket and set it next to my bed. but then i sleep ther rest of the night ... well morning. when my dad comes down i say that i am sick and that im am not going to go to church today. i sleep untill like 12:00 oh it felt good. i went to the downstairs t.v room and tryed to sleep on the coaches in there becuase my had started to hurt becuase my bed is broken. but then kept hearing this *ringa ling ding boop ding boop* noise like every 10 minutes for like 2 hours. it was so annoying. i went to walk upstairs but my body was all heavy like. so i fell down and crawled upstairs. and laid on the top of the stairs for the noise to come again. it was my sister stupid cell phone. my sister and her fiance just got on a family plan so they can text and call as much as they want for free. oh wow. i shoulda turned it off. oh wow. then i stood up to go get some luch cause i was dang hungered i hadn't eaten anything all do cuase i didn't want to barf again. i stood up took two stepes then ran to the bathroom and driheved. scrumshous(sp chelsea?). decided that wasn't a good idea so i let my self fall down the stairs and i watch t.v untill somone came home and made me some chiken and noodle soup. that was really good.. oh and i had some o.j. wow i love that stuff. today at practice we did Butt busters i really like those.. hehe i was really happy i am glad that i came becuae i was going to go home becuase i didn't feel good. i got all the way down to 34 good for me NOT but it was still a good time... i cant wait for typer. i can't wait to not have to worry about swimming any more not that i don't love it any more but you just get to a point in the season where you are so tired that you can't stay awake in any of you classes. not a good thing. but at the same time don't want the season to end becuase then we stop really hanging out with the team... we all go our own why really. but oh well things happen. we should still have partys like every other week end or somthing.! hehe Procrastination(sp)-hard work pays of eventually being lazy pays of now. Agent Scully
Read 2 comments
I'm sorry that you felt sick. I hope that you get better my dear. I love you tonz!
sorry you felt so sick. that's makes me sad.

but i'm glad you're felling better now.

at least i hope you are.