He brought me roses

Listening to: Moulin Rouge
Feeling: loving
he brought me roses. 12 roses. he was so cute about it. he was all shy and he could tell he had been was nervous. the roses are white with pink tips. i hugged him and told him thanks like 60 times.. i didn't really know what to do. then his car horn honked.. Ryan and Wade are in the car. so he had to go to work it was really cute... i miss him he is with his family has gone somewhere for thanksgiving. My family is over. we had thanks giving together. tuesday was fun.. i was happy... im was glad that my friends showed up to my b-day party. Although it wasn't very fun. but i eat so much that by the end of the night i was literaly sick. I could just see food and want to vomit. oh wow.. i still eat more though.. wow i really still feel sick. I woke up this morning with a sore throat. I wasn't going to say anything but there where babys comeing to my house i need to make sure that i didn't have strep or anything. that was contationus..(sp) i didn't though i just had a wore throat viruse. ugg. plus i have had a cold for like a month now... it kinda sucks.. so my grades where going to be all a's and one b+ i was soo happy. but i took a test on the second to last day of the tri and totally bombed it like i never have in that class i got 53% oh wow.. shoot. not i am going to have a b+ in that class to.. im so sad when i saw that in that class on my birthday i started to cry i didn't show anyone that i was.. ok so it was more like i was just getting all teary eyed... a real tear never really came out off my eye. i was way sad.. oh well its over its done there is nothing that i can do. i don't know what to do.. so Koskan called me today.. to see if i had gone running this morning. we talked for a while. i don't know what to do. i asked him what is with his wolf ubsetion(sp) he told me all about it and then he said its ok i don't have that any more i am ubsesing about somthing else now.. i said what and she said.. i think you'll figure it out... what i that suppose to mean. i think of Josh as a brother.. not as some one i could be a boyfriend with... seriously.. hes more of a brother today. then the night that Scott got me those roses Josh also brought me a rose. i didn't know what to do. i said thank you and hugged him twice. the end is near. Agent Scully
Read 5 comments
wow..it must really suck to have 2 cute guys after you :) I love you!
maybe he's obsessing about rare birds again. lol. jk. Anyways, i'm sorry that you bombed your test. What class was that my dear???
oh yeah...and that's way cute that he brought you roses!!! yay! I wish i could have seen it! well..i saw the roses...but not him giving them to you..anyways..you get the point.
awwww a baby!!!!kajdhflkaskdj

and koskan likes everyone sooner or later. If you're not interested i think he will eventually find out and he'll get over it. it's high school it happens.

and it happens a lot to you becuase you're hott and there are a lot of guys interested in you and what not...