Never Never Land

Listening to: Jekyll and Hyde
Feeling: eh
whatever i am feeling that just totally explained it. I was trying to find the word that i felt. Nothing was really explaining how i felt. Have you ever thought maybe your t.v is really sending you subliminal messages. Thats why all of the sudden you start singing the tune of a advertisment you say yesterday. Or why all of the sudden you are like... oh i really want that pop i saw on t.v yesterday.. or this moring. That would be really weird... crazy. I went on a hike with my family this moring. It was a great hike. Andrew did a good job. Although he did complain. It wansn't as bad a usually. He wouldn't addmit it but i think he enjoyed it. He has been off pop for 1 week now. THat is amazing for him. Usually he drinks about (at least) a 6pack a day. The trail was so pretty. For those who have never done it. It is up the logan canyon. We took this trail that goes of for about a mile. Then you take this plateau around the edge of the cliff. It is about a 300 foot cliff. It was cool and refreshing. I carried the pack. It made it harder. But not be much. I hope that Amy decides that she wants to join the swim team again this year. It wont be the same without her. Please. I think i need to rip myself away from this thing. This is what i do all day. Sit on the computer and redo and redo my diary pictures and background. People are not as they appear. Agen Scully
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yay for having afun hike!
the people who make commercials are actually trying to accomplish things like that. thats why there's always some stupid catchy tune so it will pop in your head and you will be like, "oh yeah!" it's not extreamly intense like they are send secret waves to your brain and they pound it in your head.

but, i think you understand what i'm saying...i hope.

you be patient and I'll attend.
what/who made you made you say people aren't as they appear?

you change the layout of your diary more than you update it.

lol. That whole tv/subliminal message thing cracked me up!! you're funny!