Floating on the Clouds

Listening to: Audiovent- The Energy
Feeling: giddy
wow... what a good weekend... words can't even express the happiness i expirenced this weekend. It was state! i was already excited and glad that i was going. i was seated 5th in the 200free and 4th in the 500free. plus alot more people were able to go this year becuase we got both of the relays in: -chels -linds -nat -heidi -val -whit -aleisha -alisha -me -mike -koskan -peter -landon -warren -mat -scott -eric that made it so much funner. the fist day came and our Medaly Relay did good. then my first event came... i was hoping to get a better time. i had a 2:06 with a pr of 2:04 and i went a 2:01 i was sooo happy and i got 3rd over all.. oh baby. Chels swam her 100IM and did really good yeah for chels.!.! i love you. Linds swam the 50free and finally got 26 seconds... !!! it was the suit... jk The second day came and we stated out with Chels swimming the 100 fly.. she did amazing i was proud of her. hehe. linds got up to swim her 100 free with the same lucky suit on as the day before. she was just hoping to break a minute.. she got......!.57! man i have never screamed so hard in my life me and nat went crazy... she had a chance to medal how great would that be her senior year to medal ... then in the last heat a poor girl DQ bad for her good for us. and linds got 6th she medaled!!!! what a way to end.. then i swam the 500freestyle... starting time pr of 5:33 ranked 5th.. drum role please ~~5:22~~!! wow i amazed myself i didn't know that i could go that fast... that is 1. a new Sky View record! and i got ~~~~~~2nd~~~~~~~ in the state in the 500 wow it still doesn't seem real to me. we went to wendys after the meet and eat lots of junk food me personally had a bag of muddie buddies...(or two) that i pigged out on. we went to krispy cream donuts... delectible! and went home. we had a good bus ride home.. we were all really high on suger so natural we were really hyper. we started haveing a tickling war... it was really funny mostly we were all against Scott... cause he is the most ticklish.. it was funny. then he poked me and i fell on the floor bad idea cause i got stuck by like 6 sets of hand that immeditaly to hold me down and tickle me. i have bruise... we got home and all gave each other hugs and went home and sacked out. Today was a good day for me. all day everyone was like "hey emily did you know you were in the paper?" No really.. hehe it was cool. i got my picture in the paper. then during 5th hour I got a ladder and took down Nancy Peralta's record and threw it on the ground then picked it back up and peeled the letters of and put my name on it!!! so now it says "EMILY HASLEM 5:22.42" its cool i was so happy. -Agent Scully
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i'm proud of you. you did awesome.

em, you're amazing. i just don't know how you do it.

so it the rest of the team. i'm sad I missed out this year.

anywho, i'm glad state was so fun.
i thought you guys were giong to call me friday night (with the whole bowling in the parking lot thing.) grrrrr.
ummm...dear...you can't read anything.
ok...I got it...I just had to highlight it all. And yay for you on getting that time!! you hold the record!! yay for you! you're awesome my wife!
I'm so proud and happy of/for you!!! your the best!!!
hey! i was reading your diary and you sound like your a really good swimmer! im a swimmer to how long have you bneen swimming for?? can i add u 2 my friends list?
ooo no wonder your so good lol i swam for like 3 years but i justg got back from takin a break from swimming i g2g ttyl bye -kristin