whatever tomarrow brings i'll be there

Listening to: Incubus-Drive
Feeling: crestfallen
today wasn't a very good day.. which is to bad becuase it was a friday. To me i just felt like everyone what mad at everyone or at least mad at someone else. I don't know why it just seemed that way... and it started to bug me. Then i started getting really annoyed by people i don't know it was really anyone inperticular it was just more like whole in general. Its to bad that people have to have bad days. It would be such a happier world if we always just had good days.. cause everyone always had good days then we wouldn't ever get mad at each other and there would be no haten. Me and mike were talking about the War in Iraq. We belive that those who say that we have nothing over are very wrong. We have built schools, built a form of goverment, stopped the masecures(sp) in the streets, we got Hussan out of power and his sons. Sure alot of people had to die but we have saved more lives than have died, plus you can think about all those lives in the future we saved from having to grow up in a place like Iraq. It makes me sad though becuase there are still places just like Iraq that are still in power. Those poor people. I am so glad that i have grown up in America....*a flag swishes over head i look up at it and put a hand on my heart*... jk Go America I felt really good in the pool today. It made me happy. I did that whole 300 fly without stoping and with the excepting of like twice i never really broke stroke. I don't know why you can just have good days every day it would make swimming so much easier. I probably would be alot faster to. Hmmm if only if only. Where do you go when you meet the end? Agent Scully
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Drive is an awesome song.
sorry to hear your day wasn't so great. hopefully, playing the sims for hours helped...

hey remember that movie with that girl
she liked that guy
and he swam

she was a swimfan

i like 2 swim. swimming is fun