Looooooong Day

i don't know what half of those mood words mean. i should look 'em up. i went to sleep last night at like 2am, cuz i wasn't tired. then i would up 3 hours later cuz i went hiking on pinnacle. it was good, compared to my dad and sister, i did really well, although i think compared to other people, i didn't do so well. i'm going again tomorrow. its weird, although i slept for only 3 hours, and had sucha long day...i'm not really that tired. but i felt very accomplished and it was very nice out. i felt so earthy and sporty all in one. smiling at everyone who i passed, saying good morning in a cheery voice. it was good. well ali and katie and kenzie all went to have a girls day to make kenzie feel better...but i wasn't invited... thats one of the reasons why my mood is 'unwanted'. its ok though, if they didn't want me to come, its cool. i sent willa and allie's care package today, but i was sooo stupid. we get to the mail place and i realize i forgot the address at home. wow smart hadas. but we called them when we got home and gave themn the address. i go to camp in like...a week and 2 days! YAY! then i had to clean my room (yuck) cuz we were having company over. my mother was cooking, and couldn't figure out something on our new, fancy shmancy 200$ food processsor.... so she and i had fun watching the informational video. it should win some kind of award for best food processor video. i found my old sketch book from like 5th grade and started sketching again. once in like 2nd or 3rd grade, we went to some museum and we got to draw anything in this one room... and if your drawing was good it would win. i just sketched this elephant statue and it turned out really good... like i wouldn't have been able to do that today. i don't know how i did it...it just came out of me. well... i won...but i don't really remember what happened with it. i started trying to sketch myself... but i don't think i have enough wrinkles or enough good bone structure to draw myself... so me turned into a guy... not too shabby but the lips don't look good... and i don't know how to draw ears. so dinner was whatever... with my parents friends and dannah (gonna be senior at chap) so after dinner we went escaped. she's really cool... but sometimes i think she takes me along cuz either she feels bad for me, wants someone to hang out with, or thinks i'm her little sister type deal. we first were going to go to this girls hosue to swim or something.. but couldn't find her house...so then we went to that new movie theater to look for them.. i dunno it was random... then we went to desert ridge where i saw a bunch of people i would have rather hung out with and probably had had more fun with such as carlee and abby, stevo and jaylen (jaylen gave me THE LOOK! AHHH!) annd yea. dannah and brandy ( a girl there with us) ran into their friends but u know, i'm a young'n so i'm not cool enough. and i looked really shabby and crap and they looked all cool. so we went to coffee plantation where i ran into christiana (who i haven't seen in AGES) she was like my best friend in 3rd grade and then she moved to chicago and then came back.. she was with this gorgeous girl (seriously boner-worthy) i forget her name...gabrielle? i dunno. but she's gorgeous. like i can't stand it gorgeous. damn it. we also saw ben sandler (i am always so tempted to just go up to him and pop that huge ego of his) he was with his 'crew' and didn't notice i was alive. i thought i saw this kid robbie. robbie was at campswift... and heh... he made sure i knew that he thought i was 'hot'. but he was really immature. although he was kind of far away.. him and his friends kept looking over at me. w/e. there was a little more that went on but i'm tired of writing and you are tired of reading.
Read 6 comments
Hadas, come on, you're not left out... and you still got to go to Desert Ridge, I sat at home for like 8 hours straight and did nothing, with noone
home, and it sucked big time becuase i was supposed to go have fun and then i didn't... so i just sat alone, but hey, definitely call sometime Hadas
those 2 were like connected, but remember, i have my cell fone on
HADAS! one word! lake! that was so much fun! long conversations on random days! ooo yea oops i ran into the dock...my bad...well i love u! call me!
hadas! ur a really good writer im so bored right now and this was on ur away message so i decided to read it and its really..catchy and addicting