oo happiness!

oo what happy times, happy times! sooo yesterday...bob asked me to homecoming! YAY! meagan let it slip that he was going to do some elaborate plan with the security gaurd, but he just came up to me with a rose and it was so sweet! then he told me his elaborate plan fell through... aww but thats ok, cuz i was too happy and flustered to care. annd then he came to my badminton match and then drove me home in his big jeep which i almost fell out of...those things are high up! but anyways before any of this happened, it was about 1st period and we were in the auditorium taking AIMS. well, we had been passing around the thesaurus, and i didn't have anything to do with it so i just slid it into the seat infront of me. then meg tells me she needs it. i didn't want to, but i did. now, keep in mind, we're in a close spaced row in an auditorium, with bindres and purses and backpacks all around. soo, as i'm trying to get the thesaurus from the seat infront of me, my test and pencil fall through my seat (you know how the seats pop up) and then, picking up my pencil i stab myself. then getting back into my seat i like sat on nina's little desk t hingy. in other words it was quite the hilarious affair, and i am never getting a thesaurus for meagen again! well, today i had an appointment with the pediatric neurseurogen at the phoenix children's hospital. he was very very nice and i really liked him. he told us a lot more than the mayo doctor did, and he made everything seem lighter, and more easygoing. he said that instead of putting a plastic thing in the hole, that he could either take some bone from another part of my body and put it in, or to take bone from a donor (ie dead person) that they like steralize and dry out and all this. he said a natural option usually works better. and he said i should have a bone scan done, just to see if there are any more tumors, and to see if the reason it is growing, is because of something else, like lukeimia, since its growing from my bone marrow. (doubtful that it is, we're just gonna check) and the best part, he said that he would make an incision so small, no shaving or anything! well maybe a little but not as a big as i thought YAY!!! that would be exciting. and he said that there is no rush and that i could so wait till after homecoming he was so funny he wa slike 'wait, you guys were gonna do this before homecoming? are you kidding? do it after!' so he's a lot more personable. well we i have nfty conclave (yippie!) so i need to get packing! i leave in an hour! have a happy weekend all you out there!
Read 3 comments
Girl we missed u at the game today! I'm glad everythings ok, have fun @ conclave! I LOVE YOU~Lindz
Hey, it's me Zach P. It sucks that you have to get that surgery..did I tell you that I had a tumor type thing growing off the tip of my nose? I swear. They had to do surgery, and then take skin grafts from behind my ear and put em' on my nose. Not as bad, but I know how ya feel. It'll all work out good, and hopefully it's just a weird little bump. I'll probably be visiting David this summer, so maybe I'll see ya then.