feels good

sooo a certain girl who i thought hated me, just imed me with a huuuuuge thing about how sorry she is for acting like a brat all these years, and blah di blah in otherwords, kind of sucking up but in a good way (i hope). lately, i've been trying to make an effort to just be nice to everyone, and so to her, i've been saying hi, and making light conversation , not so sure whether her smiles were fake or real. so that was a nice thing. she sure did say a lot...quite repetitive but she seems sorry. lately i've been forgiving people a lot. mackenzie and now stefanie. weird. its a nice feeling knowing that people who.. i guess wronged you, are feeling bad about it.. and apologize? i know i've done some things in the past just like them...hopefully i can follow their example and do the same thing. it takes courage to do it. i'm afraid that one of my hubris' (ya mashburn vocab all the way!) is that i always look for the good in people, or the good in something. i'll think a hello form nicole is excellent, and be all happy because she wasn't spitting fireballs at me with her eyes, and think that things are looking up in that situation. i think it can get me in trouble...i'm not too bad with it though. i guess i'm just an optimist. we'll see what happens. my mom said stefanie was sucking up, but i for some reason took it as a heartfelt apology...and i dont' want to be the type of person always suspicious of anyones actions, thinking it was for their own benefit. oh well, i'm off to LTI(leadership training instuitue) for the weekend (although i'll be at home) so i doubt i'll write anything this weekend. have a good night/day/weekend all of you out in never never land
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