Party Results and Repercussions

Everyone really chipped in great for the party. We had a few mishaps but over all it seemed like everyone had a good time. We lost 3 people for a little while and things were tense when the finally showed back up, but after an hour or so everyone mellowed and the games got started again. Sleeping was uneventful (unless something happened that no one told me about, murder, rape, alien abduction? anal probing anyone?). This morning was a little stressful. My cousin was sick and I had to play rescue 911 and take her a change of clothing and help her finish her shopping before I could return to my friends. I was still a little stressed over last night's 3 man disappearing act. In case you haven't guessed I was seriously upset by that. Not so much that it happened but becasue I wasn't notified that they were going to be gone for 3 hours. Ok, I know it sounds like over reacting but in the spring of '05 I was in a serious accident that had me air lifted to a hospital 40 min away. I was seriously messed up becasue of that accident. It's affected the way I think on a subconcious level. When the accident occured I was on my way to see one of my dearest friends. One of the only thing I can remember from right before I blacked out when the accident took place was how sorry I was that I wasn't going to get to see my friend that day. When I came too I was panicked becasue I'd promised another that I would be calling shortly and I never did. Since then when ever people are on the road or say they're going to call me at a certain time or show up at a certain time and don't I start to freak out. All that goes through my head is,"what if something happened. I couldn't call when I was in my accident. I couldn't even move. What if they're trapped or unconcious?" Its a bit unrational but hey so is the mind of the girl who hasn't been to therapy in over 12 years. Honestly, you'd have thought with an accident that baddly they'd have sent me to counseling or asked if I wanted to go? Nope not a one. Didn't even ask the all important question, "did you hit the railing on purpose?" Anyway, it's been explained by all three people what happened and its been mutually agreed it was a shitty thing to happen. I'd just like to say, if you ever make me worry like that again - I will track you down and gut you like a worm in bio class. :-D Any questions? Final Party Survay says - SUCCESS!
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